About Me
I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at Florida Polytechnic University. My research focuses on addressing and resolving security and privacy issues in distributed networking systems. I earned my Ph.D. in 2024 from the Computer Science Department at University of Colorado Colorado Springs (UCCS).
Research Areas: Cellular Network, Distributed Network, Vehicular Network, Blockchain, Electronic Voting, Software Assurance, and Supply Chain Integrity.
- [Jul 2024] Joined FloridaPoly as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science.
- [Apr 2024] Defended my Ph.D. thesis titled as Digital Trust Management for Distributed, Privacy-Required, and Mobile Networking.
- [Mar 2024] Our Paper Secure Aggregation for Privacy-preserving Federated Learning in Vehicular Networks is accepted in JATS’24.
- [Feb 2024] Our Paper Base station gateway to secure user channel access at the first hop edge is accepted in Computer Networks.
- [Jan 2023] Got Best Demo Paper Award in IEEE CCNC’23.
- [Jan 2023] Attended IEEE CCNC’23 to present our paper Version++: Cryptocurrency blockchain handshaking with software assurance.